Creation and Consumption in an Age of Ubiquitous Technology

Living in 2018 America.

Technology in hand feels like a right not a privilege. I should have a phone. It should be smart. It should work. Even small children are being babysat by a screen.

It's always fun to people watch while traveling. At those times, I often try to go analog (basically just take a book) in order to give my brain a screen break - and to sharpen my observation skills.


And it's not just in airports. Technology is used to pass the time all around us. All the time.

Sure. There may be some important work going on. Emails being answered. Dissertations being researched.

But let's be honest.

The majority of what's happening in airports and checkout lines is a lot of Facebook and Bejeweled.

(There's nothing inherently wrong with Facebook and Bejeweled.)

But do remember the power of the device you have in your pocket. It has as much or more computing power than super computers that launch rockets and put a people on the moon.

I keep this powererful tool in my left pocket. Every day.

The devices in our hands can record music demos and take stunning photographs. They can make movies and create presentations and write novels and make websites.

And more.

But only if you and I make it do those things.

We have a choice today.

We can make something beautiful or cool or helpful or amazing or completely groundbreaking.

Or simply pass time in the airport scrolling cat pictures and blowing up animated diamonds.

It's how we choose to use the device in our pockets.

2018 would be a great year to start a habit of doing more creating and less consuming.

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Bernie Anderson