Existential Angst and Squabbling Children


I sit down at the coffee to write, think, and process. My expectations are high. This is going to be a profitable and productive morning.



I’m looking forward to this.

A few minutes later complete and literal disaster strike. Two little boys come bounding up the stairs. They are arguing. I have no idea what they’re arguing about. They choose the table next mine.

Of course.

Headphones in.

They seem to understand the reason I put headphones in and assume they must get louder because how could I otherwise hear one call the other a “butt”? 

Dad come up the stairs and sits down with them. It’s clearly “get the kids out of mom’s hair for a while“ morning. He tries diligently to do a Bible devotion with them. They’re not listening. 

It’s decision time. I could get up and go to the other room. But then it looks bad. I turn the music up loud enough to at least muffle the noise. Eyes on the screen. Ignore the commotion.

I am getting my writing done in spite of this. 

Distraction is real. And inevitable.

Do what it takes to conquer distraction and get the work done.

No excuses.

No apologies.

No existential angst and lamenting why these kids had to sit next to me.

The choices are mine to make.

Butt in the chair. Do the work.

(Thank you Steven Pressfield.)