An Optimistic Riff

Optimism is a piece of my personal brand. Those who know me know optimism is like a fungus. I can’t get rid of, even when I try. I exude positivity and enthusiasm for most projects I take on.

Frankly, I often annoy myself with this.

There’s a side of rational thinking that wants to be cautious with positivity. The caution is necessary. When does optimism move to unhelpful wishful thinking?

Naked optimism is the stuff of Vegas and Wall Street.

Yet (at least for me) it’s necessary when it comes to real work. When we have to make it work. When the stakes are high and luck isn’t enough. We have to make our own.

But when optimism crosses the line into pig-headed arrogance there’s a problem. Sometimes we choose to ignore reality. We exert tremendous effort digging holes in the sand in which to bury heads. This is not healthy.

Positivity is healthy when accompanied by a large dose of hard work, with eyes-wide-open to cold facts.
