Life and a Passport

My passport expired. I had to get a new one.

The US State Department returned my old document with two holes punched in the front - signifying its lack of validity.

I reminisced through the pages before filing the tattered blue record for posterity.

Passport stamps equate to life for me. I mean real life. Not just memories of visited places - but so much of my life that's been lived with passport in hand.

Entry/exit stamps and multiple-entry visas as my children grew up during our 8-years in Mongolia.

Family vacations in Russia and Thailand.

Trips with Renee' to places like Jordan and Poland and Prague.

Taking the daughter to Turkey and Greece for her birthday.

Work travel to various destinations in Africa.

So much life lived.

Now I have 50 blank pages in a brand new passport.

Apparently there is some living left to do.

Bernie Anderson