The Best Day to Start Something Great

It’s generally not January 1st.

That said, January 1st is a great day to start something new.


Do a photo-a-day project.

Set goals for the year.

Make a meal plan.

Start working out.

Begin a podcast.

Read more books.  

But January 1st is probably not the best day.

Yesterday was a better day to start one of these things.

In reality, July 17, 2016, would have been a better day to start one of these things.

I’ve heard that the best time to have started writing books was in the early days of the Kindle - back in 2007 or 2008.

It would have been best to have started a daily blog back in 2000. Maybe start a video blog shortly thereafter.

Should have started podcasting 2008.

Dates are generally arbitrary.  The best times to have started have most likely passed.

The second best time to start is today.

Calendar dates are not relevant.

